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England’s Economic Heartland Conference 2023

The Guildhall, Cambridge Guildhall Place, Market Hill

Registration is now open for England's Economic Heartland Conference 2023. It's free to attend and is being held at Cambridge Guildhall on 1 November 2023. Hear from expert speakers and […]

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RIA Annual Conference 2023

Millennium Gloucester Hotel Notting Hill, London

RIA's Award-winning Annual Conference is a highlight of the UK rail calendar - and 2023 will be no exception. During the two-day event members can meet face-to-face with clients, industry […]

SmartTransit Americas

The Pennsylvania Convention Centre 1101 Arch St, Philadelphia

Conference key topics include: Ticketing Post pandemic recovery Communications and onboard connectivity Transit orientated developments Condition monitoring Modal shift Why attend SmartTransit Americas? Keep up to date with industry trends Network with global transit and light rail leaders Share best practice & educate the market, and more.