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Katie Frost, Route Director Sussex, Network Rail Keynote

The Brewery 52 Chiswell Street, London

Katie Frost, Route Director Sussex, Network Rail During CP6, Network Rail are investing £750m as part of the Sussex Railway Upgrades to modernise ageing track, signalling, stations, structures and earthworks. Katie Frost, Network Rail's Sussex Route Director, will attend TransCityRail South on 29 September in London to highlight the multi-million pound upgrade's progress and potential. […]

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Transcity Rail South

The Brewery 52 Chiswell Street, London

During CP6 Network Rail will have invested more than £13bn across the Anglian, Southern and Western Regions on a plethora of schemes working in partnership with thousands of suppliers to drive innovation, increase capacity and improve safety. This is in addition to the £billions being spent across the sections of the East Midlands, Central and […]